Laura and Daniel had me laughing this entiiiire session! They are so much fun together, and I’m so glad that I get to document their love and their wedding day coming up in just a few months! I met Laura when I started working at The Java Den (my second home especially in the off […]

I am so so excited I’ve finally gotten to this engagement session to share with you all! Abby and Jeremy are two of the sweetest humans I’ve ever met and their love is so awesome… even the small glimpse I’ve had the pleasure of witnessing, it’s clear how much they mean to each other. They […]

Jennie and Matt are such a perfect pair! I got to hang out with them and their ADORABLE pups for a bit to start off their session in their own neighborhood, and then we headed out to picnic point with just the two of them to end the evening! We shot until we literally ran […]

I met Kat and Chris for their engagement session last October! We started out at the Capitol (and of course had to grab a few shots outside Graze where they had their first date!), walked over to the Monona Terrace (where it was craaaaazy windy, but we got a few cool shots out of it!), […]

Katie and Ryan are just the sweetest couple! I’m super bummed that I was booked for their wedding date, but since they live in Madison and are getting married in Illinois, they wanted to do engagement photos closer to their new home. I had an absolute blast capturing these for them last year!

Looking back at all of these engagement sessions is making me seriously SO EXCITED for this wedding season! Just being reminded of how amazing all of my couples are, and Nicole and Kyle are no exception. I had an insane amount of favorites from this session, because these two were SUCH naturals in front of […]

Loooooved this session! We started out at the Capitol, and then ended at the UW Arboretum where we seriously wandered alllll over the place, and these two were such naturals in front of the camera. I cannot wait for Kaitlyn and Andy’s wedding coming up this July!

This part of the day is probably the most relaxing (for the most part) as a photographer. The giant moments are over, I don’t have to worry about directing family photos or wedding party, it’s time to just have fun and be a fly on the wall. It’s another part of the day I get […]

I don’t think this one needs much of an introduction. I have the most amazing couples and I cannot believe how lucky I am to do this job (sounding like a broken record at this point but I can’t help it). Getting to spend time with these couples (even if it’s just for a short […]

I’ve said it before… the wedding ceremony is the quickest part of the wedding day most often, but it is the whole reason everyone is there. The ceremony is when you officially declare to the world that you love this other person enough to vow to spend the rest of your life with them. It’s […]